You’re not going to care about your photos if they don’t feel like you and your person. It’s that simple.

You’re not going to care about your photos if they don’t feel like you and your person. It’s that simple.

People truly treasure photos that make them feel something big. That capture how it felt to be alive in that exact moment. The kind that make your heart race a little because you can see joy leaping out of your own body. The ones where you realize that your person looks at you and sees their whole universe. The photo that froze a moment in time where emotion came flooding from your eyes, messing up your mascara, but it’s beautiful in all the right ways because you felt so present and so in love. That’s magic.


I can put you on top of a mountain and tell you exactly how to pose to get a bunch of likes on Instagram. And don’t get me wrong, I love some epic couple portraits. But unless you love hiking, and that mountain has meaning to you, that’s not what makes my heart flutter. My heart beats for the little moments that showcase your big love.

I’d rather run around in the rain, in front of the house that you just bought with your person, and laugh until we cry while I capture you guys dancing to Beyonce in front of your little dream tree. Or playing with your dogs in your favorite pajamas and fuzzy socks because that’s your Sunday tradition. I want to capture who you are when you forget the camera is there and you’re just being. That’s the kind of thing you’re going to look back on in 20 years and say, “Look who we were. See all that love? And look how far we have come.” THAT MOMENT RIGHT THERE. That’s what I care about.